Friday, August 6, 2010

Work In progress for Accommodation

I’m Ai Chern and this is the work in progress report week 8.

Description on the individual ideation of the link

“Accomodation” is one the sub link of our website. As our discussion we can have our own design and idea in our sub link page, be free and have fun. Yet, the background color and font size use will be in a consistent manner. Thus, the idea for “Accomodation” will be just simple and easy access with the navigations for menus. I will attach some pictures with the outlook of the hotel as the front page of each navigation for the ease of recognization. Visitors just need to click on the button as they interested in to access further information. As they click into that particular hotel, the types of room will sorted according to room rate. Pictures of room and room rate by seasonal chart will be uploaded with. Other than that, visitors will be able to come back to previos page or any links and visit back the link again.

Objective of the link

As its name is called “ Accommodation”, the objective is as it, simple. That means I will give bried information and related details about the room types and seasonal rates. Besides, the stars rated of hotel and facilities nearby will be given as well.

Design of GUI

My design of the GUI will focus with the use of pictures and icons as navigation in my website. I think I will use Photoshop to design the menu button and the interface design is necessarily in Simple and Direct. Then only I will combine all my design by using Dreamweaver. Last week, we all have discuss and agree to use “Green” as background color. Among all of the hotels available in Genting Highland, I’ve choose 6 of the most popular choice and all of them are located uphill.

~ This is my first sketch for GUI as I'm still learning dreamweaver.

Flow chart of individual site

~~I'm using Power point for this.

. Photoshop

As we’ve learned several photoshop tasks from tutorial class and internet, and indeed it suffers me( as I’m noob in design). I use photoshop CS3 to edit my picture and background as well which going to be my tools to catch their eyes.


This one I’m still learning and exploring. It is very interesting! Results from my lesson? Plz stay tune our blog ya.


This is new to me. I will put in my best effort to learn by getting relevant information through internet. Can’t imagine what will happen if our life do not have internet.


Sorry, I do not have it currently.

Screen shot of the final output

The link is still under working process. It is schedule to be done in the following week.

******That's all for "Accommodation" Work in process********

Stay tuned for updates.

By: Ng Ai Chern 1091104996

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