Friday, August 6, 2010

Work In Progress Getting There

Hello eveyone~ I am Yoon Sin^^
This is the work in progress report week 8 for Getting There

  • Description on the individual ideation of the link
'Getting There' actually is one of the sub-link for 'Genting Highlands' website.In this page, i will show a clearly button on the top of the page because this is easily to understand and convenient to find the button for the visitors. After the meeting, we have already decided use the same background color which is apple green ,font size ,and font color so i just start to find out my own idea. I was using the Google search to search a lot of images and finally i come out with an idea .To be continue....
  • Objective of the link
The objective of the link is to provide information and relevant details about the mode of the transportations to the Genting Highlands. They can find different way to reach the Genting Highlands .
  • Design of GUI
I will make it more simple and direct in my page.Due to this, i already create a potential design of my subtopic.(as below) I just put a few simple button and a pictures with some editing like photoshop.I used a lot of photoshop tools in this project.

❤This is my first sketch of potential design of GUI.
  • Flowchart of the individual site

❤I 'm using the Power Point AS tools.

  • Use the tool in Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Flash
I use a lot of Photoshop tools to conduct this project.As we learn before, I think the Photoshop is easier than Dreamweaver and flash. Dreamweaver was a bit complex for me, so i still learning it. after some research,now i only know how to make a link by using the Dreamweaver. Hopefully i can learning fast more cause this is really a useful software. I haven't learn the Flash,so i didn't put any flash in my page.

  • References
When i saw this image,i felt it quite funny and creative. So i just save it and edit it on Photoshop . XD
  • Screen shot of the final output
The final output still in process.To be continue.....

THAT is all Work In Progress Getting There


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