Friday, August 6, 2010

Work In progress for Accommodation

I’m Ai Chern and this is the work in progress report week 8.

Description on the individual ideation of the link

“Accomodation” is one the sub link of our website. As our discussion we can have our own design and idea in our sub link page, be free and have fun. Yet, the background color and font size use will be in a consistent manner. Thus, the idea for “Accomodation” will be just simple and easy access with the navigations for menus. I will attach some pictures with the outlook of the hotel as the front page of each navigation for the ease of recognization. Visitors just need to click on the button as they interested in to access further information. As they click into that particular hotel, the types of room will sorted according to room rate. Pictures of room and room rate by seasonal chart will be uploaded with. Other than that, visitors will be able to come back to previos page or any links and visit back the link again.

Objective of the link

As its name is called “ Accommodation”, the objective is as it, simple. That means I will give bried information and related details about the room types and seasonal rates. Besides, the stars rated of hotel and facilities nearby will be given as well.

Design of GUI

My design of the GUI will focus with the use of pictures and icons as navigation in my website. I think I will use Photoshop to design the menu button and the interface design is necessarily in Simple and Direct. Then only I will combine all my design by using Dreamweaver. Last week, we all have discuss and agree to use “Green” as background color. Among all of the hotels available in Genting Highland, I’ve choose 6 of the most popular choice and all of them are located uphill.

~ This is my first sketch for GUI as I'm still learning dreamweaver.

Flow chart of individual site

~~I'm using Power point for this.

. Photoshop

As we’ve learned several photoshop tasks from tutorial class and internet, and indeed it suffers me( as I’m noob in design). I use photoshop CS3 to edit my picture and background as well which going to be my tools to catch their eyes.


This one I’m still learning and exploring. It is very interesting! Results from my lesson? Plz stay tune our blog ya.


This is new to me. I will put in my best effort to learn by getting relevant information through internet. Can’t imagine what will happen if our life do not have internet.


Sorry, I do not have it currently.

Screen shot of the final output

The link is still under working process. It is schedule to be done in the following week.

******That's all for "Accommodation" Work in process********

Stay tuned for updates.

By: Ng Ai Chern 1091104996

Work In Progress Theme Park

Hihi,here is wan xin.
This is the work in progress report week 8 for Theme Park.

Description on the individual ideation of the link:
The "Theme Park" link is one of the subtopic for Genting Highlands homepage.In my individual link,I would like to use simple and easy way like button let visitor to click it.Besides,most of the people are like to view the picture more than words so i mix few photograph with map to let visitor have an idea about the place before they visit it.I also using some short and brief sentences to explain the detail of the indoor and outdoor theme park.Furthermore,I create a link which put as"back to previous page" so that visitor can get back to other sub-link that they want.

Objective of the link:
People who go to Genting Highlands,they will quite confuse which rides will be more fun and attractive due to many rides at there so to let visitor go there without having any regret i using this link to let visitor get more detail about the high ranking of rides at indoor & outdoor Theme Park.

Design of GUI:
The design of GUI that i use buttons as a link to guide visitor to other sub-link.It is by using Photoshop CS3 create rounded rectangular button with put the inner bevel style so that it look like a real button.I also put some picture by editing and mixing the map of indoor and outdoor theme park with some relevant picture to attract visitor view the webpage.By using this way,visitor also easy to understand and get the image of the places.

Here I attach my potential design of GUI

Flow Chart of Individual Site:

I using power point as a tools to make this flow chart

I learnt some lesson about the basic tools and skills of using Photoshop so I using Photoshop to create buttons and mixing the photograph with map and edditing them with put some effect.

I learned from tutorial of Dreamweaver which I surfing from internet to create a website.

I will try my best to learn it through watching relevant video because i still do not have any idea about it.

I do not have any references

Screen Shot of Final Output:
This links is still in progress and will done it as soon as possible

That's all for work in progress Them Park
Thank you for view it^^
From: Ang Wan Xin

Work In Progress for Promotion

Hi,everyone..I'm LEE KIEN LOY and this is work
in progress report week 8 for promotion..

  • Description on the individual ideation of the link
The "Promotion" link is a sub link of our Genting Highland website.Since this is our first individual link design so i hopes all my team will doing better on their task and we will using apple green colour as background colour..My ideas is simple and easy.First,i will creates four buttons on my web design.So,the visitors can just simply click on the button on the top of website to know the promotions that provide by Genting Highland.The tourists can easily to get all the promotion by searching our website when they free..Secondly,the visitors also can click the button"back to top"on every bottom pages that i created it.
  • Objective of the link
The objective of this link is to let the people know what are the latest promotion,best deals,special offers and attractive packages in Genting Highland on today!!
  • Design of GUI
The design of GUI is very important to me as a blogger.If the webpage is not attractive to the visitors,they won't continue read your webpage anymore.So,when the visitors visit our website,they can very simply and directly click the link that they want to know on the top of website.All the webpages background doing by our members are same as apple green colour.I will also create the link that can connect to other category's link and sub link. Other than that,i will try to do more attractive and colourful on my webpage.
  • Flow chart of individual site
I'm using power point as a tools.
  • Photoshop:
Since we have learn some basic tools of CS3 in tutorial class.So,i'm using this tools to create the buttons and editing the photo to more attractive.
  • Dreamweaver:
I'm still fresh on using it.However, i will try to doing my web pages using this tool.
  • Flash:
I didn't using this tool yet..
  • Reference
I do not have any reference..
  • Screen shot of final output:
I'm still processing my link.It will be done as soon as possible.

That is all for my "promotion in progress"report.
LEE KIEN LOY(1081103280)

Work In Progress Getting There

Hello eveyone~ I am Yoon Sin^^
This is the work in progress report week 8 for Getting There

  • Description on the individual ideation of the link
'Getting There' actually is one of the sub-link for 'Genting Highlands' website.In this page, i will show a clearly button on the top of the page because this is easily to understand and convenient to find the button for the visitors. After the meeting, we have already decided use the same background color which is apple green ,font size ,and font color so i just start to find out my own idea. I was using the Google search to search a lot of images and finally i come out with an idea .To be continue....
  • Objective of the link
The objective of the link is to provide information and relevant details about the mode of the transportations to the Genting Highlands. They can find different way to reach the Genting Highlands .
  • Design of GUI
I will make it more simple and direct in my page.Due to this, i already create a potential design of my subtopic.(as below) I just put a few simple button and a pictures with some editing like photoshop.I used a lot of photoshop tools in this project.

❤This is my first sketch of potential design of GUI.
  • Flowchart of the individual site

❤I 'm using the Power Point AS tools.

  • Use the tool in Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Flash
I use a lot of Photoshop tools to conduct this project.As we learn before, I think the Photoshop is easier than Dreamweaver and flash. Dreamweaver was a bit complex for me, so i still learning it. after some research,now i only know how to make a link by using the Dreamweaver. Hopefully i can learning fast more cause this is really a useful software. I haven't learn the Flash,so i didn't put any flash in my page.

  • References
When i saw this image,i felt it quite funny and creative. So i just save it and edit it on Photoshop . XD
  • Screen shot of the final output
The final output still in process.To be continue.....

THAT is all Work In Progress Getting There


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Work in progress entertainment

Hey!! is Shien Khei here again. =)

This is the work in progress report week 8 for entertainment.

  • Description on individual ideation of the link
The "entertainment" link actually is a sub-link of Genting Highlands homepage. Basically, this page is showing the hosting world-class shows and international artistes all year round. Since there is a lot of picture and photo to show the place condition and facilities, I come out with a idea that using photo and picture of the area to be the sign of the part of link. Once the visitor point the picture with mouse, the photo of the place will be enlarge and show out the information about the venue or details. Visitor can see the info very clear with the simple button and link at the interface's right side. Visitor also can go back to the next page or previous page with the button that having tidy design.

  • Objective of the link
The link is create to let the visitor can clearly know that which information they want to get from the website with using the sub link. so I create the link in directly view to convenient those who hope to get relevent information with Genting Highlands effectively. Photo will provided to let visitor can imagine the place that they hope to go.

  • Design of GUI
The design of GUI can decided the visitor want to continue to read your website or not. Normally everyone hope to get what they want via internet searching those website. So, to provided the tidy and direct info to visitors, the interface design is going to be direct and tidy in view. The background of page will be apple green as our group theme colour and I have add-on some lighting effect to make it nicer. There will be several photo will be edited with some software like photoshop or dreamweaver to make the photo look in nice and good in quality. The button of the link that can link to others links and sub links will be come in simple design as long as easy to find out the info about entertainment Genting Highlands.

Here is my potential design of the link and interface of entertainment.

  • Flow chart of individual site

I'm using Microsoft power point as tools.xD

Since we have learn a lot of tools with watching the video and do many research via internet about the tutorial of photoshop. I will use photoshop CS5 to create the background and the photo that need to be display in my page to make sure the photo is nice.

I'll use dreamweaver CS5 to create the button of the link my own due to the nice view and tidy of the link beside the page. The background will be design more with dreamweaver tools to make it more attrative.

I will try to learn more about Flash with my own and apply it to the website.

I did not use any reference. =)

  • Screen shoot for final output
The screen shoot for final output is still in progress and will be done as fast as possible. =)

That is all for work in progress entertainment.
Thank you for reading. =)

Cheng Shien Khei

Work-In-Progress(Milestones & Group meetings)

We still leave a lot of job haven't decide cause I made a wrong direction to my group mates (sorry XP). Sum more,we lack of time now. All the information for the contents are ready. All the members just need to post their work(GUI &flowchart) on here.

Group meetings
We are having our meeting once for two weeks by using msn GROUP. We opened a MMB group in msn. It is easily let us to discuss with others when we are having problem.

Work-In-Progress(Task Formation)

Task Formation
Group Leader: Cheah Yoon Sin 1091103039
Task: Introduction, getting there and overall design.

Idea and Objective of the webpage:
I will create a genting homepage and make it more attractive and let the viewers continue view our website.(now still in processing but it is schedule to be done by the following week.)Beside that, i also in charge of Getting There webpage. The idea will be remain on simple.

Group member: Cheng Shien Khei 109110154
Task: For my part is creating a attractive view to our target audience about the entertainment and casino as well in Genting Highlands. I had uploaded the information about my part in previous entries. enjoy ya. =)

Idea and Objective of the webpage:
The objective of my part of webpage is to let the people who wish to go Genting Highlands can get more information about what is the attractive place and what they can spend their time at Genting for the entertainment. I will use the simply but not ordinary design to let the people more easy to understand our webpage details.

Group member: Lew Siow Yin 1091104629
Task: my task on creating the webpage is design one of the link which is dining in genting highlands. Meanwhile, i will update my work in progress report regularly as follow the schedule.

Idea and Objective of the webpage:
the objective of the webpage is to promote the tourism destination which is genting highlands in a more attractive webpage with simple and direct style that visitors can navigate it easily. therefore, we will follow the design principle keep this website simple and clean and in user-friendly way.

Group member:Ang Wan Xin 1081105783
Task: The Theme park(indoor & outdoor) of the Genting Highlands.

Idea and Objective of the webpage:
The objective of the webpage is give the guideline to visitor especially youngest who like to plan for their holiday about the high ranking of games, accommodation,entertainment and so on.Besides, the idea of the webpage will keep is as simple, neat and attractive so that viewer who visit our webpage will get the information in fast and easy way.

Group member: Ng Ai Chern 1091104996
Task: My task is to create a webpage as a sub-link to introduce the accommodation available at Genting Highland Resorts uphill.

Idea and Objective of the webpage: The objective of creating webpage is to promote Genting Highland Resort in a short and brief concept with a few minutes glance which able to catch targeted audience attention. Meanwhile, the idea of the webpage will be in a relaxing and attractive tone to deliver our message.

Group member: Lee Kien Loy 1081103280
Task:My task on creating the webpage is create a link that introduce all the promotion available in Genting Highland^^
Idea and Objective of the webpage:The objective of the webpage is to let the tourists get more information about all the Genting Promotion before they go to Genting Highland..The tourists can through by this website to know what is the promotions on today to get the best deals,special offers and attractive packages in store for them..